Students who do not hold Portuguese nationality must meet the following requirements to enroll in the Master’s programs:
• Holders of a bachelor’s degree or legal equivalent, preferably in the area they are applying to;
• Holders of a higher foreign academic degree awarded following a first cycle of studies organized according to the principles of the Bologna Process by a state adhering to this process;
• Holders of a higher foreign academic degree that is recognized as meeting the objectives of a bachelor’s degree by the Scientific Council of NOVA FCT;
• Individuals with an academic, scientific, or professional curriculum recognized as demonstrating the capacity to undertake this cycle of studies by the Scientific Council of NOVA FCT.
• Personal identification document, explicitly stating nationality;
• Declaration under oath: not covered by Article 3, paragraph 2 of Decree-Law No. 62/2018 of August 6, translated into Portuguese or English;
• Proof of residence issued by the country where the applicant is domiciled, translated into Portuguese or English;
• Curriculum vitae, in Portuguese or English;
• Recent photograph;
• Academic transcript detailing the grades obtained, duly authenticated, ensuring the following:
a) If the grade is not included in the academic transcript, a statement issued by the Higher Education Institution that issued it must be provided, certifying the final grade; b) Document specifying the academic grading scale; c) If the academic transcripts were issued by an entity from a country outside the European Union, these documents must be authenticated in one of the following ways:
i. By the consulates or embassies of Portugal in the country of origin where the applicant obtained the qualifications;
ii. By the consulates or embassies in Portugal of the country of origin where the applicant obtained the qualifications;
iii. With an Apostille from the Hague Convention, for countries that are signatories of the Apostille;
d) If the academic transcripts are not written in Portuguese, Spanish, French, or English, a translation of the documents into Portuguese must also be provided.
If you do not yet have the final grade certificate during the application period, attach a certificate of all completed curricular units to date.
The documents submitted in the application are subject to validation by the Undergraduate and Master’s Academic Division of NOVA FCT (DALM). This submission must be facilitated by the candidates who are admitted, in compliance with the following procedures.
1. Presentation of academic documents for validation, which can be done in one of the following ways within 30 (thirty) consecutive days after enrollment:
a) In person, at DALM, by presenting the original documents that were digitally submitted in the application;
b) By registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt, by sending a certified copy of the original documents. The certification of documents must be carried out by a national public entity, CTT (Portuguese Postal Service), notaries, lawyers, solicitors, registry offices, parish councils, or chambers of commerce and industry, in accordance with the combined provisions of Article 363 of the Civil Code with Article 38 of Decree-Law No. 76-A/2006, of May 29, as amended;
c) By registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt, by sending the original documents that were digitally submitted in the application, with NOVA FCT not being liable, under any circumstances, for the loss of documents. The originals will be returned to the student in person when they present themselves at DALM.
Mailing address:
Divisão Académica de Licenciaturas e Mestrados
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
Campus da Caparica
2829-516 Caparica
2. Present the respective identification document, as mentioned above in points a) or b), by October 31 of the academic year of enrollment. International students must also present the corresponding visa.
1st Phase: February 3rd to March 22nd, 2025
2nd Phase: June 2nd to July 18th, 2025
For more information, visit
Click on the desired course to access specific information, such as the curriculum plan, application deadlines, tuition fees, and more.
51 €
Accepted candidates will have to pay a non-refundable fee (defined per course), within a maximum period of 7 consecutive days from the date of placement, to be deducted from the total tuition fee, after registration. Failure to pay within this period will result in automatic exclusion of the candidate. Exceptions and late payments are not considered. Any payment made after the deadline will not be refunded, and the candidate will remain excluded.
35 € (included in the 1st installment)
Check the values in the table above by clicking on the course you want.
10 (ten)
1,40 €